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No Logo | 155 Enameled Copper Wire As a leading enameled wire and enameled aluminum wire supplier - xinyu-enameledwire. com, xinyu enameled wire are mainly used as tight coils of insulated wire in motors, speakers, hard disk head actuators, electromagnets, etc. We are regularly Selling: enameled wire, enameled aluminum wire. Member since 21 February, 2020, China - Jiangsu | | | No Logo | 1soltech 1SolTech
Design, Develop and Manufacture Solar Panels | Solar Modules and Provides Solar Turnkey Solutions
1Soltech is comprised of leading engineers in this emerging technology field with decades of expertise and development experience.... We are regularly Selling: mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline solar cells, solar panels, solar panels with black tedlar and black aluminum, solar technology and solutions, turnkey. Member since 22 September, 2009, US - Texas | | |
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