Green Earth Nano Science Inc. Green Earth Nano Science Inc. (GENS) is a global leader in manufacturing and distribution of titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalyst coatings and additives and exploits their photocatalytic properties for self-cleaning exterior building applications an... We are regularly Selling: self-cleaning coatings, air purification coatings, anti-bacterial coatings, anti-mold coatings, anti bacterial coatings. Member since 7 November, 2008, Canada - Ontario
MCH Nano Solutions MCH NANO SOLUTIONS is a Canadian company focusing its efforts in utilizing top patented Nanotechnology products for our ever-changing planet, making the world a better, healthier and safer place to live. Our products - Hygienic Coatings transform tre... We are regularly Selling: air purification coating, anti-mold coating, hygienic coatings, odor removal coating, self-cleaning coatings, self-sanitizing coatings. Member since 19 November, 2006, Canada - Ontario
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