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 | Shenzhen 51board information technology Co., Ltd. 51board Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a senior embedded system development plan provider. 51board is specialized in innovating embedded system both in hardware and software and customization product projects. Based on Intel series processor... We are regularly Selling: development board, reference design, embedded educational kit, xsbase270-s, liod270, eeliod270. Member since 26 March, 2008, China - Guangdong | | | No Logo | Micetek International Inc. MICETEK, originated from MICROTEK, has been dedicated in designing and producing the embedded system development tools since 1998. We mainly provide the developers with In-circuit Emulator, development board and IDE for PowerPC/ARM. We supply develop... We are regularly Selling: powerpc development board, arm development board, emulator, mpc8572 development platform, mpc8548e development platform, mpc8541e development platform, mpc8377e8379e reference design board, mpc8349-mitx, mpc8313e reference design board. Member since 9 July, 2012, Taiwan - Taichung | | | No Logo | Aftek Ltd. AFTEK LTD. was founded in 1986 and went public in 1995. The Company is Headquartered in Mumbai and the Design Centres are located in Pune and Bangalore. Aftek capabilties are focussed on: Chip Design, Board Design, BSP, Communication Stacks & SDK, Ap... We are regularly Selling: ic design, bsp, embedded systems software, board design, reference design. Member since 12 May, 2008, India - Maharashtra | Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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|  | Micetek International Inc. MICETEK, originated from MICROTEK, has been one of the most professional Embedded development tools providers since 1999. In recent years, we’re dedicated to supplying the In-Circuit Emulator, IDE software and development boards for PowerPC process... We are regularly Selling: usb tap for powepc, jediview for powerpc, mpc8313e-rdb reference design board, mpc8315e-rdb, mpc8349e-mitx, mpc8377e8379e-rdb, mpc8541e8548e processor card, mpc8572e processor card, type nsa carrier for prcessor card. Member since 3 May, 2012, China - Shanghai | | |
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