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Company - Description |
| Ownbyte Limited Ownbyte Is a corporate ICT solution provider that offers a full range of IT services including ongoing to our customers' solutions. We are regularly Buying: laptopsdesktops, pc maintenance, internet services, software, cctv installation, security access, srtuctured cabling both cable and wireless, computer consumables accesories, pc maintenance. Member since 1 June, 2020, Kenya - Nairobi Area | | | No Logo | ECG IT SOlutions We are a goal oriented company bent of
satisfying the needs of our customers in a
timely, efficient manner the first time and every time we deal with a new customer. We are regularly Buying: cellphones, games, gps devices, flat screen tvs, mobile phones, voip hones, network equipment, cctv equipment, laptopsdesktops. Member since 14 April, 2011, US - New York | Primary Business Type(s): Importer / Exporter Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Younique Accessories We are a new company that makes bulk purchase of Refurbished Desktop Computers, laptops and computer hardware at wholesale prices for Retail. We also do Personnal alarm systems sold in our major towms for personal protection. We hope to ventu... We are regularly Buying: keyring alarm, acer laptopsdesktops, wrist alarms, toshiba laptops, synco computers, sony laptops. Member since 21 November, 2007, Kenya - Nairobi Area | Primary Business Type(s): Distributor / Wholesaler Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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