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No Logo | Global GMX Hello
Thank you for your interest in purchasing
mobile phones from us. We sell all kinds of
brand new and refurbished excellent high
grade mobile phones memory cards, USB sticks at competitive prices. You are welcome to... We are regularly Buying: apple iphone, brand new mobie phones, refurbished mobile phones, nokia mobile phones, blackberry mobile phones. Member since 26 September, 2010, UK - North of England | Primary Business Type(s): Distributor / Wholesaler Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Newspecial International (HK) Limilted Newspecial International (HK) Limited
Our company is mainlly doing Digital products: Mobile phone, dual sim mobile, windows system phone, watch phone, iphone, vertu, OEM phone, cartoon phone, ladys phone, kids phone, mobile accessories, bluetooth... We are regularly Buying: mobie phone. Member since 22 October, 2009, China - Guangdong | | | No Logo | Tmt China We are regularly Buying: toys, garnents, mirror, shoes, mobie, bedshits, tiles, furnitre, paper. Member since 12 March, 2008, India - Delhi | Primary Business Type(s): Agent Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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| No Logo | Mr Courage & Sons Ltd We buy and sell We are regularly Buying: laptop, video games, mobie phones. Member since 21 July, 2009, Nigeria - Edo | | |
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