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Rockinhair Products |
First, We should say “Thank you” for your time to visit our website. As one of leading hair factory in Qingdao, we has been working on the hair products with more than 15 years. Every bundle of our hair was collected from human donators, unprocessed, uncolored, 100% chemical free, silky soft and tangle free, can be dyed or styled as your natural hair, they can be washed, curled, straightened and dyed as many times as you wish. For now, we got from over 50 countries' customer, and We look forward that you could be one of our good customers too! Please feel free to contact us. We will be always here at your service! We are regularly Selling: hair extension, human hair, virgin hair, remy hair, fumi hair, closure, frontal, wig, bundle. |
Australia Business Directory & Marketplace Tip: We always strongly recommend our members to strictly follow the traditional methods and rules of international trading before going into any deal with any party met over the internet. Such as getting prior company confirmation by phone, fax or by mail besides necessary cross checks done through the related local bodies like banks, chambers of commerce, related trade associations, etc. especially before realizing any money transaction. |
Contact Person: |
Asen Zhan |
Job Title: |
Sale Manager |
Location: |
China - Shandong Companies from China Trade Leads from China Products from China |
Classification(s): | Health & Beauty - Hair Products |
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