Rongchuang Handbag & Clothing Factory was established in 2000. With a workshop of 2000mĀ² and more than 200 employees, we are a professional manufacturer integrated with design, development, production and sale, specializing in a large variety of bags, such as handbags, backpacks, schoolbags, brief cases, shoulder bags, travel bags, cosmetic bags, waist bags, cooler bags, trolley bags, trolley backpacks etc. and other related promotional gifts.
Adopting the first-class high-tech producing equipments and advanced management mode, we ensure that all orders can be accomplished on time and by request. Satisfying the customers with perfect service and quality products, we've built comprehensive market abroad, and been deeply supported and trusted by our customers. All of our products are exported and mainly sold to Australia, Europe, and America, Japan etc. Our annual output value is up to 3 million dollars. We are one of the suppliers of Wal-Mart Groups international... We are regularly Selling: briefcase, cooler bag, domestic bag, handbags, shopping bag, shoulder bag. |