1. Individual inspector supervises every state of production in factory, preparing raw material till crating the panels. We understand prevention is more important than correction. Good products due to good material and proper processing, not good inspection. So we focus on material purchase and processing. 2. Training factories to have their own and qualified inspectors as for large volume order, our inspectors can't inspect piece by piece. It's more important to teach them grade panels. Our inspectors just do spot check during production and inspect finished cargo by random. 3. Assign 1 or 2 port inspector open some crates for every PO by random, reject fall down grade panels before loading. 4. Specific tools except Moisture Meter, Thickness calibrator to check inside quality
A. Steel chopsticks to measure how long the core voids is
B. Putty knife to check the bonding strength and if there is delaminating inside
C. Lab test on Formaldehyde emission and physical characters.
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