COMMODITY SPECIFICATION: Raw Cane Sugar ICUMSA 1200. POLARITY at 20șC: 97.80 min
ASH CONTENT: 0.15% Maximum by Weight
MOISTURE: 0.15% Maximum by Weight
SOLUBILITY: 95% Dry & free flowing
GRANULOMETRY: 0.9 - 1.70 mm (.6mm of regular square, medium size) ICUMSA: 1200 ICUMSA attenuation index Units
METHOD: 4-1978
SO2: 120 mg/kg
RADIATION: Within internationally acceptable limits
SMELL: Free of any smell
REDUCING SUGAR:. 05% max. MAX AS: 1 p.p.m. MAX OS: 2 p.p.m. MAX CU: 3 p.p.m. HPN STAPH AUREUS: NIL
SUBSTANCE: Solid, Crystal max. COLOR: dark yellow, Brown
Non Negotiable Procedures: 1. Buyer issues to Seller's Mandate a current dated Letter of Intent indicating Buyer's Bank name in response to
Seller's Soft Offer. 2. Seller issues Draft Contract with fixed price by email via Seller's Mandate. 3. Buyer signs, stamps and retu
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