1. Product Details
Name: Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) Brand Name: 3S
CAS No.: 9004-32-4
Country Origin: China (Mainland)
2. Product Specification
Appearance: White or off-white powder
Viscosity (2%, 25degree):50~120,000mPa.s
Degree of Substitute (D.S):0.5~0.9
Purity (5): less than99.0
Moisture (%): less than10.0
pH Value 6.5~8.5
3. Product Description
3S-CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium) is polyanionic cellulose ether and can be dissolved in cold and hot water.
4. Product Features
3S-CMC has following performances: Effectively increase viscosity
Resist salt and calcium
Good thermal stability
Match with other agents
5. Product Application
3S-CMC can be widely used in emulsion paints construction, oil drilling, paper coating, textile, etc. as thickener, dispersant, soil-suspending agent, stabilize in food, etc.
6. Packing
Packing: 25kgs /bag. Plastic woven bag with PE liner
7. Delivery
Delivery Time: Within 15~20days after payment confi
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