Manufacture: SANY
Model: STC250
Year: 2013/2014
100% TIRES
Performance Details
Max. loading capacity 25 T, Min. working radius 3.0 M
Full extension of main boom 33.5 M, hexagonal profi le, made of HG 785 and HG 70 high tentsile structure steel plate. Variety of engine options provided to customes: Dongfeng Cummins ISLe 290 30. Max. travel speed 80km/h, Max. gradeability 30% (theoretically) SYML moment limiter, independently developed by SANY, ensures safety of customers. Max. lifting moment for base boom 962 KN.M
Max. single rope lifting speed 125m/min
Max. Gradeability 30%
More details contact us.
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